Hello and Welcome to Explore Your Career

Posted by on May 7, 2010 in careers, exploring, Uncategorized, work | 6 comments

Hello and Welcome to Explore Your Career

A new place where you can learn about one simple thing…

Where you want your career to go

It may be simple but that doesn’t always mean it’s easy

Where you want to go is up (or down) to you

Short-cuts and easy answers aren’t for everyone

Some questions are just perfect to explore!

If you’re ready to click around, be my guest

It’s also fine by me if you’d like to take things a little more slowly

My name’s Paul and I’m your host on this site

I want you to get the most from your stay

If this is your first visit, here’s what’s on offer…

– An open, free-to-air conversation on our blog (mostly about work and exploring)
– A deeper dive into your career with The Career Explorer’s Journal
– A genuine invitation to get in touch about anything you see or would like to see here in the future
– The freedom just to browse and come again whenever you like

It’s up to you what you do

but my first job as your host is now done because you’ve already made your first discovery as a career explorer…

A blog, a book and a place where you’re welcome.

Welcome Career Explorer

Happy Landings Career Explorers!

* * * * *


  1. Congratulations on your new book and blog, Paul! An exciting new adventure begins – for you and your readers. Looking forward to being part of the journey. Can’t wait to see where it goes…

    ~ Ronnie Ann

  2. Thank You Ronnie Ann!
    It’s a small step on a very long journey but the road ahead is an inviting one. Great to hear that you’ll be along for the ride 🙂
    All the best,

  3. Our dear mutual friend Ronnie Ann (Work Coach Cafe) gave me a heads-up on your new venture. Congrats!! I love the term explore because sadly, too many people do not look at their work as an exploration, especially these days. Many people see that as a luxury they cannot afford. It is particularly unsettling when you hear younger people that are just entering the work world sound as if they are signing up for whatever they can get. So we’ll look forward to all of the ways you’ll be leading people on the journey that work truly is.
    All the best!

  4. Hello Louise,
    I couldn’t agree with you more! Exploring isn’t a luxury, it’s a straightforward, practical means anyone can apply to find answers when all they have is questions. A way to learn lessons from our experiences and discover new certainties when we face doubts.
    Exploring is also one of the best ways to build (or rebuild) a personal trust in our relationship with work, to understand how work makes us feel, to confirm how we feel about work.
    I hope this site lives up to the high expectations we are both expressing here. I think it can but one thing is for sure in my mind; the only way it will is when connections, companionships and collaborations grow between the people who come together here with this shared purpose in mind: To explore their careers!
    Thank you for visiting and joining this conversation at the very beginning.
    All the best,

  5. Congratulations on the launch of your site and book Paul! Your exploration approach is a truly refreshing angle on something that is so often angst-ridden, and I really love the innate optimism of it. Bestest, Heather H

  6. Hi Heather,
    Too true! Angst and upset can be hard to shake during the difficult times but exploring deals head-on with uncertainties, you could even say it’s fuelled by doubt.
    Exploring your career can change “I don’t know” or “I’m not sure” into “I need to know more”. Answers won’t fall from the sky but you’re right, optimism and simple functionality are built-in, and that’s a million miles away from the old alternatives.
    Thank you for your words of encouragement, much appreciated on any exploration 😉
    All the best,

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